

How Long Does Restylane Lyft Last?

Our skin is constantly aging, with new wrinkles seeming to form every passing month or even day. Wrinkles may seem unavoidable, due to the stressors that contribute to them and the natural aging process. These changes in your appearance can be disheartening if we can’t show the world the face we want to. Using an approach that blends science and nature to give you anti-aging treatments such as Restylane Lyft, we here at One Life Health and Performance in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, are ready to help you get back to your best self.

How Long Will Results From Restylane Lyft Last?

First-time patients can typically expect results from Restylane treatments to last an average of six months. Treatment areas that tend to not have high mobility, such as the forehead and cheeks, will usually see more lasting results. There are two secrets to Restylane’s longevity: the active ingredient it uses, and the way that ingredient interacts with your skin’s natural proteins. In some cases, patients report enjoying results from this treatment for at least nine months or more.

How Quickly Will You Notice Results?

One advantage of using Restylane is how fast-acting this treatment is. You’ll notice an increase in your facial volume, especially in the hollows of your cheeks and beneath your eyes, the very same day you receive injections. These immediate results you see will continue to improve for three to seven days after your treatment, gradually building the youthful appearance you’ll be left with.

Will Results Improve Over Time?

Absolutely! This injectable gives you improved results over time, unlike many other similar treatments. The active ingredient in Restylane works with the natural regenerative properties of your body, extending the results you’ll see after treatment over the course of several weeks. Another benefit is that Restylane continues to deliver better results with every treatment that you receive.

Advantages of Subsequent Treatments

Every time you schedule an appointment to receive Restylane injections, you’ll notice better results than the previous time. Why is that? Your body’s skin cells will respond to the active ingredient more quickly each time it is introduced. First-time patients will often see results last 6 to 9 months, but second-time patients will see an average of 10 to 12 months of improved skin. Your body’s natural regeneration process will work with the active ingredient in Restylane, improving results each time you receive an injection.

What Is This Treatment?

This dermal filler treatment is minimally invasive and proven to work. A broad spectrum of patients with moderate or severe anti-aging concerns are suitable for this treatment, which will increase the volume of your skin. Clinics such as ours offer this treatment to patients not interested in surgical facelifts or other energy-based treatments who may prefer a less invasive dermal filler.

What Does Restylane Treat?

Restylane stands out from other similar treatments because of its versatility. Lyft is FDA-approved for use on almost any area of the face as well as certain parts of your body. Along with restoring volume to the backs of your hands, Lyft can also be used in the following areas:

  • Lines around your lips
  • Hollows of your cheeks
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Wrinkles around the nose and mouth.
  • Laugh and frown lines
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes.
  • Restore volume to your cheeks.

How Does Restylane Work?

This treatment is similar to other dermal fillers in that it uses a specialized formula injected directly into your skin. Hyaluronic acid is the key ingredient that allows for the amazing results Restylane produces. This ingredient gives you impressive results towards restoring volume to your skin for an overall more youthful appearance. Our certified technicians will inject this treatment directly into the targeted treatment areas in order to produce your ideal results.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Our body produces enzymes like hyaluronic acid as a way to naturally retain moisture in our skin cells. However, dry, rough, and thin skin begins to form as our body’s ability to naturally produce hyaluronic acid decreases as we age. A lack of key proteins in your skin caused by slowed hyaluronic acid production means your skin doesn’t have the support it needs to maintain its natural volume. This same ingredient often appears in over-the-counter cosmetic creams and serums.

While these products temporarily restore moisture to the surface of your skin, directly injecting hyaluronic acid into the sub-dermal layers of your skin is even more effective. Using hyaluronic acid as the active ingredient allows Restylane to deliver lasting results.

What Is Collagen?

Hyaluronic acid also works to support collagen, another protein essential to healthy skin. Much like hyaluronic acid, your body’s natural ability to produce collagen decreases drastically as you age. Your skin’s natural structure and elasticity are a result of collagen’s presence, so when production slows down, a loss of volume in your skin and the formation of wrinkles inevitably follows.

While some dermal fillers focus on stimulating the production of collagen, these results tend to be less effective because they ignore the support structure collagen needs to work. Restylane works to both stimulate collagen production and give it the support it needs over a lengthy period of time.

Other Restylane Treatments

Restylane Lyft isn’t the only treatment option you have available. Several different specialized products can be used to help you achieve your anti-aging goals.

Original Restylane

Mild to moderate volume loss in the skin can be treated by the original Restylane formula. This treatment is FDA-approved for both reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles in your face as well as moderate lip augmentation. Patients who are showing the early signs of visible aging are good candidates for the original Restylane formula.

Restylane Silk

Specifically formulated for use on the lips, Restylane Silk is unique compared to other dermal fillers. You’ll see an increase in volume to your lips, as well as smoothing of lines and wrinkles around your lips and mouth. The silky-smooth injectable solution this treatment uses leaves your skin feeling soft, flexible, and supple. Results from this treatment typically last three to four months.

Restylane Refyne

The special formula used by Restylane Refyne produces impressive results that look completely natural. The thinner solution it uses makes it the ideal treatment for the appearance of mild fine lines and wrinkles in your skin. This treatment may be right for you for the natural, youthful appearance it offers.

Restylane Defyne

This injectable treatment combines the hyaluronic acid of the Lyft formula with the flexible use of the Refyne treatment. Patients with mild age-related concerns in the area around their face and nose will love the natural-looking result Restylane Defyne gives that still allows for a full range of facial expressions. The long-lasting results of this treatment are also comparable to Lyft.

Benefits of Using Lyft

Among all these high-quality options, Lyft is still one of the most attractive to potential patients. This versatile injectable treatment offers a number of amazing benefits.

Non-Invasive Anti-Aging

One great thing about dermal fillers like Lyft is that it offers a non-surgical way to look younger without disrupting your busy life. With virtually zero downtime and an overall less painful process, many patients prefer these non-surgical anti-aging options. There are also certain health conditions that could disqualify a patient for surgical procedures, making these non-surgical options a good alternative for their aesthetic goals.

No Risk of Allergies

Because of its highly purified formula, this particular treatment has a very low risk of triggering an allergic reaction. Other treatments usually involve allergy tests beforehand to ensure that the patient won’t experience adverse side effects. However, there is no risk for an allergic reaction in this case because hyaluronic acid is already naturally occurring in our bodies. Those with skin sensitivity or other allergies will find this treatment to be ideal.

Age-Defying Results

All types of age-related concerns can be solved using this treatment. Just about everybody has some concerns related to loss of skin volume, whether that be in your cheeks, beneath


This treatment is FDA-approved for use on the back of your hands, your face, and your lips. Virtually any area of concern can be targeted to restore a more youthful appearance. We’ll go over all your specific goals during your initial consultation.

What To Expect

Initial Consultation

The first step in getting to a more youthful appearance is a consultation with our experts, where we’ll discuss your anti-aging goals and work together to figure out the best steps to take. We’ll go over any medications or supplements you are currently using, previous dermal filler treatments you’ve used, as well as your general medical history.

Getting Ready for Treatment

There are a few pre-treatment instructions we’ll give you to follow leading up to your appointment. To ensure your treatment is safe and effective, follow these instructions closely. Instructions may include the following:

  • Avoid certain medications and supplements as instructed
  • Do not use certain over-the-counter skincare products
  • Refrain from alcohol or tobacco use

Please arrive at your appointment with your face cleaned. There is no need to arrange for transportation after this minimally invasive procedure.

Injection Process

Several injections will be applied directly to the targeted treatment areas. These injections are formulated with lidocaine, a local numbing agent, to make the delivery process more comfortable. We can also use a topical numbing cream if you have particularly sensitive skin or anxiety about needles.

After Treatment

There are some simple precautionary steps you should take to get the most out of your treatment, including the following:

  • Refrain from exposure to direct sunlight
  • Do not use alcohol or tobacco
  • Do not use certain supplements, medications, or skincare products
  • Directions on how to cleanse the skin
  • Try to sweat or irritate the skin excessively
  • Do not touch or massage your skin excessively
  • Follow directions on how to cleanse the skin

We’ll also give you any prescriptions you may need after treatment, as well as any instructions on how to properly ice the injection area.

Recovery Process

Usually, recovery is complete within 3 to 7 days. You should protect your skin as much as possible while it is sensitive during this time.

Is This Treatment Right for You?

Most prospective patients are good candidates for Lyft. All of these benefits can come from using Restylane:

  • A more youthful appearance
  • Increased skin volume
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Fill in hollows around your cheeks and eyes
  • Smooth skin around mouth and nose

Get Back to a Younger Self

You don’t need to live with the visible signs of aging. Renew your natural youth and get a new outlook on life with Restylane Lyft. If you think this treatment is right for you, schedule your consultation with One Life Health and Performance in Palm Beach Gardens, FL today, and start your journey!